CATAN - Console Edition
CATAN – Console Edition: The “Longest Road“ to Launch - Ep 3

Hey there Catanians, for those of you who pre-ordered CATAN - Console Edition you’ll be joining us here on the island for Early Access on February 23rd, SIX days from today! how are we only six days away? I need to brush my beard. If you’re feeling the fear of missing out growing inside you and you simply can’t wait till the 28th of February to start playing, you can pre-order right now to get access to early access!
Pre-order Today!
In the third and final episode of ‘The “Longest Road” To Launch’, we’re going to take a closer look at how the visuals and details that make CATAN – Console Edition feel like the living, vibrant island that it is. Board Layouts and CATAN Championship Boards, plus Dynamic AI and the tricks they have up their sleeves!

When it comes to re-creating a physical boardgame as legendary as CATAN, the team knew going in how it important it was to do everything we could to capture the feeling and tactile nature of playing the real thing. Whether you’ve played CATAN before or not, we think you’ll find playing CATAN – Console Edition very intuitive and easy to pick up!

The luxury of creating a digital version of CATAN is we can do things that might be slightly more challenging in real, unless you happen to have several sheep as pets?
They say “the devil’s in the detail” - which I hope isn’t true, because that sounds scary - but what I do know is that considering the details while developing CATAN – Console Edition has played a huge part in creating the feeling of a living, breathing world. Being able to zoom right into the island and move the camera around while a farmer gathers their wheat, or a sheep roams around a field, or seeing the smoke puffing out the chimney of a City, or seeing that bunting appear when you’ve snatched the Longest Road.
I wonder what you’ll discover while exploring our island yourself!

There’s plenty of ways to play and experience CATAN. Running short on time and fancy a quick game, or new to the game and want to spend some time learning the ropes? Jump into Quick Play. In Quick Play the board layout, number tokens, and the initial settlements and roads are always in the same position, getting you straight into action whilst also providing a place to learn, test new strategies, and study how the AI play (maybe they’ll give you some tips).

Looking for more of a challenge, or got some friends and family over and want to play? No problem. You can set up a game that’s you against three AI players, or if your buddies are over, why not play as a four? You can choose to play this way using the default board or we have Variable Setup which will randomise the 19 terrain tiles and 18 number tokens every time you play. Don’t forget, if you’re playing with friends to use the CATAN Card Companion!
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be a CATAN World Champion? Well now, as part of the Deluxe Edition, you can play on a selection of previous CATAN World Championship board layouts. These will be playable both offline and online multiplayer.

CATAN – Console Edition features a host of interesting characters taken from the CATAN lore. The team then needed to work out how would these characters approach playing CATAN. Each character has their own strategies in mind, but if things aren’t going their way, they’ll switch things up in their efforts to best you.

Ultimately the experience when playing against the AI characters is a delicate balancing act - if they are too easy to beat, the experience isn’t fun, but on the flip side if the AI are genius, monsters that are undefeatable that isn’t any fun either. This is something we’ll be keeping a close eye on once the game is out in the world from February 23rd.

CATAN - Console Edition, developed with our friends at Nomad Games, will be released for PlayStation and Xbox consoles February 28th and you can pre-order now, plus regardless of which version you pre-order, you’ll benefit from Early Access to the game five whole days before general release, on February 23rd AND if you pre-order after the 23rd you’ll gain instant access to the game before the games full release on February 28th.
Finally, when pre-ordering the Deluxe Edition you get a 10% discount, Championship Maps plus a Dice and Hex frame!
- CATAN – Console Edition = £16.99*/$19.99/€19.99
- CATAN – Console Edition: Deluxe = £19.99/$24.99/€24.99
*Xbox price. PlayStation version = £15.99
CATAN - Console Edition
CATAN – Console Edition: The “Longest Road“ to Launch - Ep 3