Train Sim World 5


Read our manuals to learn more about Train Sim World and its add-ons. In each manual you'll find information on the controls, individual locomotive operation, signalling guidance and more.
Click on the products to view their manuals.
Operational Manuals for Add-ons that released for previous versions of Train Sim World will still be relevant for the latest core game, though certain button maps and features for specific platforms may have altered over time.

Train Sim World 5

You can find out more about Train Sim World 5, its features, routes, locomotives and gameplay in our FAQs.
Our YouTube Channel also has a curated How To Get Started in Train Sim World 5 Playlist featuring video tutorials in various languages.

Train Sim World 4

Train Sim World 3

Train Sim World 2

TSW 2020


Train Sim World: Tees Valley Line Xbox | PlayStation | Steam
Train Sim World: Northern Trans-Pennine Xbox | PlayStation | Steam
Train Sim World: East Coastway Xbox | PlayStation | Steam


Train Sim World: DB BR 204 Xbox | PlayStation | Steam
Train Sim World 5